Do you need a passport to go to Punta Cana? The short answer is yes. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about getting your passport for travel to Punta Cana or the Dominican Republic in general, including how many pages are needed in your passport, who can apply, and what to do if your passport doesn’t have enough space in it yet.
Do I need a passport to visit Punta Cana?
The short answer is yes. U.S. citizens can visit most Caribbean countries visa-free for up to 90 days, but you’ll need to show a valid passport with at least one blank page for an entry stamp when you arrive in any of these countries. On top of that, if you want to stay longer than 90 days or move around within a country, you may need more documentation—consult your destination’s consulate for information about their specific requirements.
How can I check if my passport is still valid?
Go to your country’s immigration website. The US Department of State website has links to all immigration offices for each state. From there, you can check if your passport is still valid or if it needs renewal. If you aren’t sure where your passport is, contact your local embassy or consulate. They can help you track it down.
When should I get my new passport?
Most countries will accept your passport even if it’s close to expiring. Still, if you’re planning to visit Punta Cana or another country in the Caribbean, it’s best to get a new passport before you go. All countries will reject your application for entry if your passport is expired. Many people mistakenly think that when their passport expires in six months, they have plenty of time to apply for a new one. But applying for an expedited passport can take up to six weeks—and without an expedited request, passports typically take about four weeks from start to finish. It all adds up! So how do you know how much time you have left on your current passport?
Where do I apply for my new passport?
The first thing you’ll need to do is find out how to apply for your new passport. Start by visiting to check if you’re eligible for online processing or if you’ll need to start an application at your local post office. It’s also important that you know how long it takes to get a new passport, so make sure you plan ahead accordingly! You can also create your passport pictures using Passport Photo Online.
What happens if I show up without a passport at the airport in Punta Cana?
If you arrive at your Punta Cana hotel without a passport, not only will you have to go back to your country of origin, but you’ll also have to pay for another flight ticket. For many travelers, that could mean starting over in their vacation plans, which is why it’s so important to make sure that you’re prepared with all of your documents before leaving for your trip. Make sure you know what travel documents are required when visiting Punta Cana.
If I lose my passport while on my trip, how can I get home?: Without proper documentation, if something were to happen where you lost your passport or had it stolen from you during your stay in Punta Cana—you would need to contact local law enforcement immediately and begin processing paperwork with them to be able to return home.
If you decide to visit Punta Cana, you cannot go without reading our Guide to Punta Cana!