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How long is the flight from Atlanta to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic?

This simple question can have many answers depending on whether you’re traveling with or without layovers, the number of stops your flight has along the way, and the airline you choose to take. In this guide, we’ll explore all these factors in detail so you can decide which airline and flight route will get you to your destination on time.
Flight from Atlanta to Punta Cana
Flight from Atlanta to Punta Cana

How long is the flight from Atlanta to Punta Cana? The time it takes to fly from Atlanta to Punta Cana depends on the airport you’re departing from and flying to, as well as your air carrier. The average flight time ranges between five and six hours. However, if you choose to go with Delta Airlines or JetBlue Airways, you can fly nonstop from Atlanta to Punta Cana in less than five hours.

Time difference between Atlanta and the Punta Cana

There is no time difference between Georgia and Punta Cana. The time zone in Atlanta and Punta Cana are both Eastern Standard Time.

Punta Cana’s time zone is Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4). Georgia is in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone (GMT-4). That is, if it is 3:00 PM in Georgia, it is also 3:00 PM in Punta Cana.

How long does the flight take from Atlanta to Punta Cana?

On average, It takes 3 hours and 20 minutes to fly from Atlanta to the Dominican Republic on a direct flight. There are 6 non-stop flights per day from Atlanta, Georgia to Punta Cana.

Flights from Atlanta to Punta Cana

The flight time from Atlanta, Georgia, USA to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (PUJ) will vary depending on factors like weather, wind speed, flight path, and air traffic congestion. Flight times are affected by all of these factors; they don’t take off as soon as you board or land as soon as you leave. Most airlines only report average flight times. The actual time it takes will probably be less than average but definitely longer than you think!

What is the distance between Atlanta and Punta Cana?

Atlanta and Punta Cana are 1,359 miles (2,186 kilometers) apart. There are several airlines that offer flights between these airports. Some popular airlines that fly into Punta Cana Airport are American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, JetBlue, Spirit Airlines, and Frontier. In general, a return ticket will cost around $700 USD.

The following are the most common flights from Georgia State to Punta Cana:

LocationFlightsAverage DurationAverage Price
Flights from Atlanta6 non-stop flights per day3h 27min$687
Flights from SavannahOne-stop flights available5h 18min+$897
Flights from AugustaOne-stop flights available5h 14min+$1,599
Flights from ColumbusOne-stop flights available5h 14min+$1,356
Source: Google Flights

Keep this in mind when planning to travel from Atlanta to Punta Cana

On average flights from Atlanta to punta cana will take around 5 hours on an indirect flight vs about 2.5 hours on a direct flight. That’s why it’s better to opt for a direct flight and save a couple of your precious vacation hours than an indirect flight from Atlanta to Punta Cana.

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